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About Us

We Believe In

The Rock, Jesus Christ. While we at ROCKHILL Counseling, PLLC are devoted followers of Jesus, we welcome people of all beliefs. All will be respected without judgement.

People. We believe that each and every person has worth and value. We believe in extending grace to ourselves and each other. We believe every person has to potential for growth, healing and freedom. 

Authentic Relationships. We believe in strong, healthy relationships with ourselves and others. We believe we are hurt in relationship and healed in relationship.   


Work. We believe that hard work is good and necessary- whether in relationship with others, caring for yourself, or in any other aspect of life. But it’s not just about trying harder! In partnerships, you don’t have to go it alone! We are honored to walk with you in your journey. 



ROCKHILL Counseling, PLLC provides quality services to children and adults using a variety of creative methods including Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning. We do this in a peaceful, natural environment within healthy partnerships with our clients, our animals, and our God.



“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who builds his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it has been founded on the rock.” Matthew 7:24-25

“… and the rock was Christ.” I Corinthians 10:4c

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